The game changing
venture studio

At our core, we are visionary creators and builders.
We develop our ideas and invest in founders building their visions.
United, we focus on professionalism, quality, integrity and sustainability.
Skople, The game changing
Venture Studio and Venture Builder

Meet Our Ventures

We thrive on cultivating disruptive businesses, continuously prioritising client satisfaction and retention. Happy clients are the bedrock of our successful ventures.

Due to launch Q4 2025


Join us on a journey to reshape lifelong learning. Prepare for a groundbreaking shift in education that will ignite your curiosity and empower your growth. The future of learning is almost here.

MVP launched April 2024


Revolutionising global procurement and collaboration. Brace yourself for a platform that reimagines the way businesses globally discover and partner with suppliers to procure products and services. The future of procurement begins here.

Due to Launch Q1 2025


Brace yourself for a paradigm shift in recruitment. Get ready to experience a revolutionary approach to talent discovery that will redefine how teams are built. The future of hiring is on the horizon.

Due to Launch Q1 2025


Discover the architects of Web 2.0 and the pioneers of Web 3.0. We're redefining digital landscapes, ushering in a new era of innovation. Stay tuned for the future of applications development and beyond.

Our Approach

Skople, The game changing venture studio

We Ideate

With a belief that original ideas can come from anywhere, we have honed a process that encourages lateral dynamic thinking across industry verticals. We create and compete on our own terms.

We Found

We stay ahead of the curve by keeping up with market trends, developments, and regulations. With our eyes fixed firmly on the horizon, and not bound by sector, we are always on the lookout for new opportunities to innovate and create products and services that have real impact.

We Fund

We focus on people with unwavering passion for their vision. We take a long term view, not short term gains. We take a proactive approach to helping founders craft their ideas into reality and achieve success. We invest and co-invest. Skople LLC does not manage 3rd party capital.

We Build

Taking inspiration from across the globe, we build businesses with partners whose visions compliment our own. Utilising a risk management strategy focused on sustainable development, we build companies to scale that question convention.
Skople, The game changing
Venture Studio and Venture Builder

Interested? Get in Touch

General Inquiries
For founders